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Meet Sabrina and her hit Croatian crystal designs

Sabrina Sancic

Sabrina Sancic with her designs (Photo: Private album)

Sabrina Sancic’s adventure into crystal design blossomed from a personal desire to add a touch of sparkle to her wedding day. From crystallized shoes for her bridal party emerged Bella Crystal Design, with a unique twist inspired by Croatian motifs.

Sabrina, who resides just outside of Toronto in Canada, has created a number of Croatian-inspired designs which have taken social media by storm. We caught up with Sabrina to find out more.

Who is Sabrina Sancic?

I am actually of Italian descent; however, I married into a very strong, proud, traditional Croatian family from Karlovac where I became fully immersed in the culture and community.

We are active participants within the community through our contribution to Norval Croatian Church, Father Kamber Park, being a volunteer & sponsor for Norval’s Croatian Kolo group where my daughter dances, as well as being a member of the Croatian Chain of Commerce.

I took the liberty of learning the language, the traditions, and customs to encourage my daughter to be proud and raised with her Croatian roots. I believe it’s important for both parents to be a part of their family’s traditions and make it their own.

Sabrina Sancic Bella Crystal Design

Sabrina Sancic (Photo: Private album)

How did you first get into crystal design?

In 2012, I envisioned a pair of fully crystallized shoes for my upcoming wedding. I practiced on my own pair of shoes and did my flower girl’s shoes as well. In 2013, I decided to create a little business out of it from all the feedback I got from my wedding.

From then on, Bella Crystal Design was born. I started off originally just crystal strassing baby Converse shoes in my in-laws’ basement as we were residing there just after we got married. I had a customer reach out to me that she would like baby shoes done for her newborn daughter for her baptism but her husband would only like it and agree to ordering if it showed his Croatian heritage.

I then walked around my in-laws’ house looking for inspiration and noticed the Grb on their wall. As I studied the intricate detail of the Grb, I was inspired to put the design on the soles of the shoes so when the baby sat on the bed, you would see the rich detailing of the red and white crystals perfectly.

As this was such an important piece and my first original design and concept, I decided to hand-deliver them personally where I was warmly embraced by their family who flew from Croatia for the sacrament. From seeing the tears in their eyes of pride and honor, I was instantly touched by how beautiful this culture was. From then on, I started creating more Croatian designs for years to come.

Sabrina Sancic Bella Crystal Design

(Photo: Private album)

Can you tell us about some of the Croatian designs you have done?

The Croatian-inspired designs I have done hold a special place in my heart. I have fallen in love with the process of coming up with new designs all while keeping tradition and modern concepts in mind. I had designed and created Croatian Christmas ornaments that sparkle bright on any tree.

The traditional Grb ornament is always a popular item every year, but I also created the map of Croatia ornament where customers can have the option to have a different colored crystal on the location of the map where their family originated from. This makes for a special customized ornament.

This year, the biggest trend that has gone viral on social media is the line of Croatian-inspired sneakers I had designed and created. Originally, it was a pair of Nike sneakers I had designed for a friend’s daughter as a Christmas present.

Once I posted the finished product on my social media outlets, it went viral. This reached all of Europe, Australia, North & South America. From then on, I started to design on other sneaker brands like Adidas, Pumas, and Guess.

With the Adidas sneakers, I wanted them to be a little different where I incorporated the Red, Grb, and Blue to resemble the flag. This design came when I was working on my first pair of Adidas from one of my customers that turned friends; I told her I had an idea in mind and she gave me full trust to be creative.

She had no idea what it was going to look like until it was done. I always like to give my customers an option of designs and brands so this way it was with a sneaker they felt most comfortable with. When customers trust me to be fully creative, that’s when the fun really happens and the best designs come out.

Sabrina Sancic Bella Crystal Design

(Photo: Private album)

From the sneakers being such a great success, then came the line of Croatian-inspired water cups. This was a fun design to create as it was a fun concept to have the “kicks match the cup”.

I originally had just the red and white, but something always gravitates me to the rich blue color. It just felt more patriotic and complete with the two options. So from then on, both color options were born and also created a big wave especially within Canada and the United States.

The Croatian Soled baby baptism shoes have been the start of it all. This was the original design that started the many designs to come.

What have been your most popular Croatian designs?

The Croatian-inspired Nikes for sure have been the most popular item that I have worked on this year. As Euro cup is around the corner, there shows no signs of slowing down as these have become even popular to wear during communions, weddings, and casual outings.

It has created such a trend within the community that when customers send me pictures of them wearing their shoes at their events all around the world, it gives me goosebumps every time.

My clients are mainly in Germany, Croatia, Australia & America. It has been so amazing that I have even made some genuine connections and friendships with other Croatians from around the globe. My clients are mostly women; however, a lot of men have been ordering for their significant others which is so great.

Sabrina Sancic Bella Crystal Design

(Photo: Private album)

What are your plans?

There is so much more to come. I have been working on some new Croatian Custom designs but haven’t quite perfected yet as I can be very detail-oriented. Good things always take time and I like to make sure no stone is unturned when launching a new product.

I go through an extensive testing process to ensure my customers have the best product in their hands. I have been designing behind the scenes a very high lux pair of sneakers that will be Croatian Inspired and fully covered in Crystals from top to bottom.

This will not likely be launched till next year as I have a vision in my mind and while I draw and map it out I want to make sure the colors and precision are just right.

This will be more of a showpiece or for high-profile clients. I plan to start working with some of Croatia’s well-known musicians as I am not only a fan but it’s always been a part of my vision to expand my work on many stages throughout the world.

I also plan to expand more into the TV & film industry with crystallized items for commercials, etc. As I have been doing this for over 10 years, I am only getting started and have only scratched the surface for what’s to come down the pipe.

Sabrina Sancic Bella Crystal Design

(Photo: Private album)

Can you tell us how people can get hold of your designs?

Potential customers can reach me through any of my social media platforms. The majority of my customers communicate with me through Instagram or they email me directly. I am also on Facebook and a part of all the major Croatian Facebook groups as well.

I’m easily accessible for my customers to reach me. Whether it be at events locally or on social media, I have received so much unwavering support and love which I am forever grateful for.

All my local potential customers in the GTA do see me at the Croatian Christmas Markets in Hamilton and at Norval Church. I love connecting with everyone and seeing what all the other vendors within the community come up with as well.

As I have so many customers from different parts of the world. I always ask for your location first so I can go through the ordering process with them accurately and effectively. This makes it a lot easier to quote properly as well in the customer’s currency and shipping costs.

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Any final words?

Always community over competition. One thing I love about this community is creating such a bond with all the other small businesses who create Croatian-inspired items.

We all support each other, lift each other up, and refer our customers to them when they are looking for other items. We all have our own ideas and concepts we come up with and even if they are similar we still support each other because ultimately we all have the same goal in mind and that is to keep the culture to be strong and proud for generations to come.

We all want to see each other win in business. I am so honored to be a part of the Croatian culture and keeping it alive and proud.

You can check out more of her designs on her Instagram page –  https://www.instagram.com/bellacrystaldesign/

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